Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Change Azure mobile service Cordova library for windows 10 wns

I encountered this problem: https://github.com/Azure/azure-mobile-services-cordova/issues/8#issuecomment-151245833 , that I could not use the existing azure mobile service js library for wns registration to build cordova app on windows 10!

So I co-asked, and decided to follow the dev's suggestion to add my own function.  So I modified the mobileServices.Web-1.2.8.js directly, to get wns toast registration to work. The js file is shared here:https://onedrive.live.com/prev?cid=4c9ccfe08b0ea8f6&id=4C9CCFE08B0EA8F6%2147340&v=TextFileEditor .

There are few tricks to get cordova app build and work for windows 10!  
1. It can not be Any CPU!
2. You need to customize your own appxmanifest files in res/native/windows directory, by copying and modifying the corresponding files from the bld directory.
3. You've to build release version in order for the registration process to get the correct App information, so that the registration process can be successful.

Feel free to ask me if you need some help. 

Good luck!